How to Generate 1094-C / 1095-C Forms - Knowledge Base | BerniePortal

How to Generate and Download 1094-C / 1095-C Forms

There are four stages to generating 1094-C / 1095-C forms in BerniePortal:
  1. Organize - Before entering the 1094 / 1095 area, be sure your portal is set up correctly and that you’ve gathered all necessary information.
  2. Configure - Within the “Subgroups” heading of the 1094 / 1095 tab, configure your 1094 and 1095 subgroups to reflect default settings.
  3. Define Employees - Within the “List” heading of the 1094 / 1095 tab, view and edit employees to reflect the appropriate 1095 codes, when necessary.
  4. Generate Files - Within the “List” heading of the 1094 /1095 tab, generate the 1095’s once you’re confident all information is correct.
Each stage of the 1094-C / 1095-C process is explained in detail below. 

Stage 1 - Organize:
  1. Confirm the number of 1094's that you need to file.
    1. Do not go into the 1094 / 1095 area until you have created a 1094 subgroup to correspond with each 1094 that you need to file.
    2. Generally speaking, the number of 1094 subgroups corresponds to the number of FEINs under which your employer pays its employees.
    3. To create/edit a 1094 subgroup, go to the Employer Profile and select “Subgroups."

      1. Click on the “Subgroups” tab in the left side menu, then select “Add a New Subgroup” to create a new subgroup (if needed).

  2. Collect employee information.
    1. BerniePortal will auto-populate the 1094 / 1095 report for all employees listed in BerniePortal during the months they were enrolled in coverage for the prior year.
    2. You will need to make sure that ALL employees are added to a "1094" Subgroup in BerniePortal. This subgroup assignment makes sure that a 1095 is generated for all the employees you expect.
    3. Click "Employees"

    4. Filter the Employee List to "1094 - Not Assigned". If there are no employees found under this filter, GREAT! This means that all employees are assigned to a 1094 Subgroup and there are not any employees that are "not assigned."

    5. If there are employees that are "not assigned" to a 1094 Subgroup, use this article to update their subgroup assignment.
    6. Employees who are not already in BerniePortal can either be added via spreadsheet within the 1094 / 1095 "List" area or manually one by one.
    7. You'll be able to add these employees during the "Stage 3: Define Employees" section below.
    8. Make sure you have all the necessary information for these applicable employees available for the upload spreadsheet.
Stage 2 - Configure:
  1. Once you are ready to begin configuring your 1094's and 1095's, click on the “1094 / 1095” tab in the top navigation menu, then select "Subgroups" in the secondary navigation menu. 
  2. You will then select the documents you need to file to the IRS from the menu below: 
  3. The 1094 form is used for the transmission of information to the IRS (similar to W-3). To complete the 1094 configuration for your applicable 1094 subgroups, simply click on the subgroup name within the "Subgroups," then "1094" tab. 

  1. Part 1. Applicable Large Employer Member (ALE)
    1. Lines 1-8: Fill in the appropriate information.
      1. For Line 2, if the employer has multiple EINs, they should create multiple 1094 subgroups. (Return to Stage 1 above)
      2. For Line 7, the HR person you are working with is the appropriate person.
    2. Lines 9-16: Leave blank unless the employer is a government entity. If it is a government entity, then fill them out as appropriate.
    3. Line 17: Omitted because it’s not necessary to fill it in on the forms.
    4. Line 18: Will be auto-populated by the system later on.
  2. Part II. Applicable Large Employer Member (ALE).
    1. Line 19: YES if this particular 1094 is the authoritative transmittal. NO if not.
    2. Line 20: Leave blank, will be auto-populated by the system later on.
      1. Note: If the group has multiple 1094s with the same EIN, contact your Advisor Success representative.
    3. Line 21: NO if this ALE is not part of an aggregated ALE group. YES if it is.
    4. (22) Certifications of Eligibility: Select all that apply.
  3. Part III. ALE Member Information - Monthly
    1. Column A: Indicate YES or NO in "All 12 Months" row, OR Indicate YES or NO for each month.
    2. Columns B and C: These will be auto-populated by the system. You can manually overwrite individual forms if necessary during "Stage 3: Define Employees."
    3. Column D: Check the box if you selected YES on Line 21.
    4. Column E: This column was previously designated for 4980H transition relief for 2016. 4980H transition relief is not relevant for 2022. Therefore this column requires NO action.
  4. If you selected YES on Line 21, please enter the business names and EINs in the "Other Members of Aggregated ALE Groups" section with the text fields provided.
  5. Once you have completed your first 1094 subgroup, click on your next 1094 subgroup and follow the same steps above. If you only have one 1094 subgroup, click on the 1095 tab to the left to continue.

  6. The 1095 form is a form that each employee will receive (similar to W-2). Click the subgroup name to indicate default values for Lines 14-16 of the 1095. There will be a 1095 subgroup for each "Benefits" subgroup in BerniePortal. 
    1. Default Plan Start Month: Indicates the start month of your employers coverage. If you've been using the system prior to this filing, this field will be auto-populated by BerniePortal.
    2. Line 14: Indicates what kind of coverage the employer offered. View the Appendix of Codes here.
    3. Line 15: Enter monthly employee cost of the lowest cost plan for employee only coverage for each month during the year. If the amount is the same for all 12 months, check the appropriate box, otherwise enter the amount for each month. 
    4. Line 16: Indicate the employer’s default safe harbor affordability code. View the Appendix of Codes here and view a helpful article about the ACA's affordability thresholds here(Please note that BerniePortal will NOT display codes 2A thru 2D. BerniePortal will apply those codes automatically to the applicable employees and the corresponding months for each code)
    5. Part-time employees: Check if this subgroup includes part-time employees only.
    6. Self-insured: Check if the coverage offered to employees in this subgroup was self insured coverage.

    7. Select "Save Changes."
    8. Complete the steps above for each 1095 subgroup listed. Once you have configured each 1095 subgroup, BerniePortal will then generate your employee list. 
Stage 3 - Define Employees:
  1. Once you have configured your 1094 and 1095 areas, click on the "List" tab in the secondary navigation menu. This action will generate a list of your employees (Note: the employee list will not generate until the Stage 1 and Stage 2 have been completed). From within the List area you are able to view and edit each individual employee’s 1095.

  2. Add employees who were not already in BerniePortal.
    1. If your employer used BerniePortal for the full reporting year, all employees should be listed in the area with all of the appropriate codes. 
    2. If your employer did not use BerniePortal for the full reporting year, then you will likely need to add employees who are missing. Learn how here!
  3. Confirm Line 14-16 Codes and Demographics.
    1. Once you have all employees listed for whom your employer needs to file a 1095, you’re ready to confirm your employee's demographic information as well as the codes that belong to them on Lines 14 through 16 of their 1095. 
    2. Use the action wheel next to each employee's name for the below actions, if necessary.
      1. Edit: If any edits need to be made, hover over the actions gear to the right of the employee’s name and click “Edit”. You can make the correction on a modal that will open upon clicking ”Edit.” Note: If the employee’s 1094 subgroup needs to be changed, change the 1094 subgroup first and click “Save”. Only after you’ve done that, click “Edit” again to make any other necessary changes.
      2. Include / Don’t Include: If an employee’s status is currently listed as “included” and the employee should not be included with the submission, hover over the actions gear and select “Don’t include”. If an employee’s status is currently listed as “Not included” and the employee should be included with the submission, hover over the actions gear and select “Include” option.

      3. Delete: Any employee you manually added using the “Add” button in this “List” area will have a “Delete” option. Employees who auto-populated in the “List” area because they enrolled in benefits during the year will not have a “Delete” option. If a 1095 should not be generated for one of these employees, just mark them as “Don’t Include”.

    3. While you are reviewing each employee, you may notice that an employee’s address or other demographic information is incorrect and should be changed. Note that changes made to an employee’s demographic information in the 1095 area will not automatically feed to the employee’s primary record in BerniePortal. To make changes to an employee’s primary record, click on the employee’s name. 

Stage 4 - Generate Files:
  1. Once you have completed Stage 3, you are ready to generate your employer’s 1094 and 1095 files. To do so, select  the “List” tab from the secondary navigation menu, then click “Generate PDF” in the top right corner.

  2. Select the reporting year and employer (1094 subgroup) for which you'd like to generate forms.

  3. Navigate to the "Forms" tab in the secondary navigation menu where you can download the generated forms to your computer via zip file, which will contain both the 1094 and all employee 1095s.

A few notes:
  1. Please review all of our FAQs and formatting recommendations to ensure you have a successful filing with the IRS.
  2. Navigate to the "Forms" tab in the secondary navigation menu where you can download the generated forms to your computer via zip file, which will contain both the 1094-C and all employee 1095-Cs.
  3. If you're ready to file with the IRS, please notify your broker and/or your BerniePortal Account Manager.
  4. A BerniePortal Operations team member will send correspondence to the employer and their broker contact with progress of the filing.
  5. If the submission is rejected, the Operations team member shares the list of errors with the employer to correct. Once resolved and the corrected forms have been regenerated, the employer will return to the email thread and ask the Operations team member to resubmit.

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