BernieBill Billing Tool - Knowledge Base | BerniePortal

What is BernieBill?

BerniePortal offers a unique, automatic, and accurate billing tool called BernieBill.

For training and more information BernieBill, watch this video below! (If you are using BernieBill for Metlife, New Benefits, OneAmerica, and/or Manhattan life, please input your ACH information into the payment details library to be able to pay your bill)

  1. The bill will generate in a PDF format, which can be downloaded directly to your computer.
  2. You have the power to generate the bill yourself, giving you the opportunity to make necessary adjustments before the bill is generated and paid, ensuring an accurate bill each month. 
  3. BerniePortal becomes the system of record for all enrollment, so no need to communicate eligibility to the carrier.

Contact us to learn more about available BernieBill carriers!

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