Retracting 1095 forms that were filed in error

Retracting 1095 forms that were filed in error

There are multiple reasons why 1095 forms are filed in error:
  1. A part-time employee is e-filed as a full-time employee
  2. A test employee, fake employee, or duplicate employee was included in the e-filing
  3. An employee is incorrectly showing that coverage was offered

These need to corrected with the IRS to show that no coverage was offered to these employees.

If corrections need to be made in BerniePortal, don't forget to mark the employee as "Corrected"!

To correct these, you will need to do the following:
  1. Log into the employer account in BerniePortal.
  2. Click on "1094/1095" at the top of the page.
  3. Click "List".
  4. Find the employee in question.
You will need to update the employee information here:
  1. Hover over the action wheel and click "Edit":

    1. For 1095-Cs, in "Part II. Employee Offer and Coverage", update Lines 14-16 to show the following:
      1. Line 14 should show "1H" for all 12 months
      2. Line 15 should be blank, as no coverage was offered
      3. Line 16 should show "2A" for all 12 months
    2. If applicable, remove all information in "Part III. Covered Individuals"
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Corrected Form".
    4. Push "Save Changes".

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