Responsible Individual name and/or SSN/TIN does not match what's in the IRS database (1095-B Error Only)

Responsible Individual name and/or SSN/TIN does not match what's in the IRS database (1095-B Error Only)

This error is triggered for 1095-B filing when the name and/or SSN/TIN in BerniePortal is different from the legal name and/or SSN that the IRS has for the employee. 

NOTE: If you believe the name and/or SSN/TIN are correct for the employee, you will need to contact IRS E-Services at 866-255-0654 to confirm that the name and/or SSN/TIN they have on file for the employee match what's in BerniePortal.

If corrections need to be made in BerniePortal, don't forget to mark the employee as "Corrected"!

To correct these errors, you will need to do the following:
  1. Log into the employer account in BerniePortal.
  2. Click on "1094/1095" at the top of the page.
  3. Click "List".
  4. Find the employee whose name and/or SSN/TIN needs to be updated.
You will need to update the name and/or SSN/TIN here:
  1. Hover over the action wheel and click "Edit":

    1. In "Part I. Responsible Individual", update the fields that need to be edited (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and/or Social Security Number or other TIN).
    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Corrected Form".
    3. Push "Save Changes".
  2. To ensure this is also corrected for next year's filing if correcting a Social Security Number, click on the employee's name in blue:

    1. This will take you to their BerniePortal employee profile.
    2. Click the pencil in the "Personal Info" section and update the fields that need to be edited (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and/or Social Security Number).
    3. Click "Save".

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