Managing EOIs for Guardian Benefits in BerniePortal
Guardian pulls all eligibility info from BerniePortal, but Guardian does not communicate EOI approvals or denials to BerniePortal. Below are instructions to reviewing an employee's EOI status in Guardian Anytime and updating an employee record in ...
BernieBill FAQs
BernieBill FAQs: What happens if I forget to generate my bill? At the end of a billing cycle it will be automatically generated for you and placed in “Past Bills.” The billing cycle is different for every carrier. To see the billing cycle for your ...
Getting Started with BernieBill
Ready to get started using BernieBill? Follow the steps below to ensure your employer's portal is configured correctly. Verify Offer: Verify that the plans offered in BerniePortal are the same plans that the Benefit Provider has confirmed to offer ...
Splitting Your Bill by Billing Subgroup
BernieBill allows you to split your monthly bill by Primary Billing Subgroup. Generating bills for each primary billing subgroup is a great option for employers who pay bills for each division, department, or location separately. To split your bill ...
How to Regenerate a Bill
If you’d like a “clean” looking bill without any adjustments, you have the option to regenerate up to three versions of each month’s bill. For example, let’s say you already generated your bill for the month, but forgot to add a new employee who ...
How to Generate Your Bill
Ready to generate, download, and pay your bill? The blue “Generate Bill” button is available based on each individual carrier’s billing rules. These rules can be reviewed at any time and are found in the top right corner of your Current Bill area. ...
PDF vs. CSV Bills
Each billing cycle housed under the “Past Bills” tab will display a PDF and CSV version of the bill for each billing period. See below to learn more about each version of the bill. Access the "Past Bills" area by selecting the "BernieBill" tab from ...
Billing Rules
Need to know when your bill is due, or how adjustments are calculated? Check out the “Review Billing Rules” area. Each carrier has its own billing rules housed directly in BerniePortal, viewable at any time. The “Billing Rules” area outlines: The ...
Past Bills
The “BernieBill” area is organized into a “Current Bill” and “Past Bills” area. The “Past Bills” area houses all previously generated bills, chronologically. To access the "Past Bills" area, select the "BernieBill" tab in the top navigation menu, ...
Current Bills
Under the “Current Bills” tab, you can review your current bill’s status, make adjustments (if necessary), view billing rules, and generate the invoice for the next billing period. To access the "Current Bills" area, select the "BernieBill" tab in ...
What is BernieBill?
BerniePortal offers a unique, automatic, and accurate billing tool called BernieBill. For training and more information BernieBill, watch this video below! (If you are using BernieBill for Metlife, New Benefits, OneAmerica, and/or Manhattan life, ...
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