Creating a COBRA Subgroup
COBRA / State Continuation Subgroups are the way BerniePortal manages employees to continue their employer's group health insurance after a change in eligibility, and it is an integral part of our incredible administration with BerniePortal's Sister ...
Prior Offer FAQs
Learn more about Prior Offer Enrollment in the below FAQs and example scenarios. Question: What is Prior Offer? Answer: Prior Offer is defined as the set of benefits that were offered to a new hire whose benefits effective date was before the renewal ...
Viewing and Editing a Subgroup's Number of Pay Periods
Each "Benefits" subgroup in BerniePortal has a set number of Pay Periods. Learn how to view and update the number of Deductions/Pay Periods below. To view a subgroup's number of Pay Periods: Select the "Benefits" tab in the top navigation menu. ...
Cloning Benefit Subgroups
Cloning is a valuable tool that BerniePortal offers to cut down time when creating new plans and subgroups. To clone a subgroup: Navigate to the “Benefits” then “Subgroups” tab. Hover over the action wheel for the subgroup you’d like to clone, then ...
Deleting Benefit Subgroups
Easily consolidate benefit subgroups and simultaneously move employees to their new subgroup via the “Delete” subgroup option. To delete a benefits subgroup: Select “Account” from the dropdown. Select “Subgroups” in the left navigation menu. Hover ...
How to Create a New Benefits Subgroup
Benefits are complex—that's why BerniePortal allows categorization via subgroups to ensure employees are offered the right benefits and contributions. To create a new benefits subgroup: Select the “Account” dropdown. Select “Subgroups” in the left ...
Current Offer - Benefits
Need to quickly view what benefits and deductions employees are currently being offered? Check out the “Current Offer” tab of the desired subgroup. To access the Current Offer tab: Select the “Benefits” tab in the top navigation menu, then the ...
Understanding Current Offer vs. Upcoming Offer vs. Prior Offer and the Offer Overview Area
It’s important to understand the difference between Prior Offer, Current Offer and Upcoming Offer in BerniePortal, and where to view these sets of benefits. To view: Select “Benefits” in the top navigation menu, then “Subgroups” in the secondary ...
How to Configure Upcoming Offer - Benefits
If open enrollment is around the corner, you’ll need to update the benefits in BerniePortal to allow employees to make open enrollment elections! To do so, you’ll need to configure “Upcoming Offer” for each benefits subgroup. To configure upcoming ...
Benefit Subgroup Configuration Area
Once a benefit subgroup is created, you’ll need to configure the subgroup’s settings. To access a benefit subgroup's settings, select the "Benefits" tab in the top navigation menu, select the "Subgroups" tab in the secondary navigation menu, then ...
Understanding the Benefits Subgroups Area
Subgroups allow employers to offer different benefits and contributions to different sets of employees. For example, at some companies, full-time employees may be entitled to more comprehensive benefits than part-time employees, which could impact ...
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It's important for employees to know how to log in to BerniePortal. An employee’s initial username and password depend on how they were added to BerniePortal. Employees can be added to BerniePortal several different ways, listed below: Via census ...
Onboarding Document Categories
Forget the stacks of paper! Your employer’s BerniePortal is already equipped with five standard onboarding documents: W-4, W-9, I-9, State Withholding, and Direct Deposit. In addition to the standard onboarding documents BerniePortal is already ...
Hiring Managers, Hiring Influencers, and Their Capabilities
BerniePortal’s “Recruiting” feature allows for “Hiring Managers” and “Hiring Influencers” to ensure that the individuals responsible for hiring within your organization have the access they need to successfully fill open positions. Hiring Managers: ...
Splitting Your Bill by Billing Subgroup
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Creating an Offboarding Checklist
When an employee leaves an employer, there are likely tasks that an employer must complete, such as deactivating the employee's email or collecting their equipment. Offboarding Checklists are a great way to track these tasks in BerniePortal! To ...