To edit subgroup names:
- Hover over the action wheel for any existing subgroup.
- Select “View/Edit.”
- Enter the new subgroup name, then select “Save.”
To create a new subgroup:
- Select “Add New Subgroup.”
- Use the dropdown menu to select where the new subgroup will be used.
- Enter the subgroup name in the text field.
- Select "Add."
To remove a subgroup:
- Hover over the action wheel for the subgroup you'd like to remove.
- Select "Delete."
- Use the dropdown to determine if employees in the deleted subgroup should all be moved to the same subgroup, or different subgroups.
- If all employees should be moved to the same subgroup, select the subgroup in the second dropdown.
- If employees should be moved to different subgroups, use the dropdown next to each employee to re-assign their subgroups individually.
To mass assign/move employee subgroups:
- Select "Assign/Move Employees."
- Select the subgroup type from the dropdown menu.
- Select a subgroup, for example, the "Employees" subgroup under "Benefits."
- On the right, select the subgroup employees should be moved to.
- Select the employees from the listing in the left column, then use the arrow to move them to the appropriate subgroup.
- If you are moving employees into a Benefits subgroup from a "Not Assigned" Benefits subgroup, select the date of change. Note: the employee's benefits eligibility rules (waiting periods) are applied to the date selected.
- Select "I'm Done" when complete.