Employees can change their personal and contact information in BerniePortal anytime. After all, it's best practice to keep BerniePortal up to date!
Under the “Account” area, employees have the ability to view and edit their personal info, contact info, profile photo, and password.
Personal Info:
Employees can ensure all personal information is up to date including name, SSN, Gender, DOB, and language preference under the “Personal Info” tab.
Employees can view and edit their permanent address here, as well as email addresses and phone number.
Adding a profile picture personalizes an employee’s BerniePortal account. Employees can snap a new profile picture with their webcam or upload an existing photo from their computer.
To change/add a profile photo:
Employees can change their BerniePortal password here under “Change Password.” Admins masquerading as an employee have the same access to change an employee’s password on their behalf.