Dependents Aging Off Plan

Dependents Aging Off Plan

BerniePortal currently does not have a design that automatically removes dependents from a plan after the dependent turns age 26. It is considered that there are exceptions to this, as some dependents are permitted to remain on their parent's health plan past age 26.

A way that BerniePortal can do this is:
  1. During the Dependents Step in enrollment, BerniePortal can ask: "If enrolled in coverage, is this dependent eligible to remain on the plan after turning 26 years old? YES or NO"
  2. If NO is selected, the dependent's coverage will be termed based on the rules in the plan (see below). BerniePortal will update the premium rate accordingly as well. 
  3. If YES is selected, the dependent's coverage will remain active past their 26th birthday. 

Applicable benefit types would need premium settings to configure if a dependent turns age 26, should the dependent be termed on the actual birthday, at the end of the month after birthday, first of month after birthday, next renewal etc.

Does anyone else have any other exceptions / guidelines that need to be considered with this enhancement?