More than one link for "Helpful Website"
Under the plan info, where we have the option to include a Helpful Website it would be super if it could be Helpful Website(s) and we could put more than one link. Often I want to provide a provider search link and a member portal link. If not other
Make it an option to turn off Salary Notifications
If we have products that are salary sensitive, we go through and update the salaries before open enrollment begins. Currently, BP sends an email to the employee that their salary has been updated and this causes a lot of them to go to HR to question
1094/1095 - The ability to delete files that are not correct
The ability to delete files that are not correct.
Domestic Partners/Dependents
We need a way in the system to track a Legal Spouse / Dependents from a Domestic Partner / Dependents. The reason being is because if a Domestic Partner or their Dependents are enrolled on a benefit plan, then the premiums cannot be taken out on a pre-tax
Mandatory Verify Personal Information
During Open Enrollment, it would be nice if when they logged in, the first screen to show would be their address/personal information. We try to direct employees to the Account dropdown to verify, but they always miss this step. If it automatically
Feature Admins and Cobra Reasons
Feature Admins – You can’t change the Reasons under a Feature Admin, the Account Owner can, but Feature Admins do not see the same thing/cannot change. They need to have access to do this.
COBRA and Rehiring Employees
When a group is using Alpine TPA, the employee is required to enroll/waive in COBRA. If they are rehired before they make the end of their 60 day COBRA enrollment window they are given an incorrect effective date. When trying to rehire an employee that
Mobile App
BerniePortal really needs to get a Mobile App available for employees to be able to ENROLL in benefits. I know there is a work-a-round, but an app would be amazing.
Prospective Employees
We have a Client that would like his prospects to be able to view the group's benefits and associated deductions in their Bernie Portal prior to them actually being hired. Note: This Client is not using Bernie Portal Applicant Tracking System.
Home Page - Show enrollment per plan versus by benefit
For instance, Home Page shows "10" enrolled in Health, "10" enrolled in Dental. Health may have three plans available: AA / BB / CC It would be nice for it to show a breakout PER PLAN Health AA - 3 Health BB - 2 Health CC - 5
Add Plan Name to all Billing Reports
It would be helpful if the Billing Reports would also include the Plan Name so you could sort by plans.
Change Report - Name Fields Filled In
BerniePortal should add the employee name and employer name next to all changes on the change report. Currently, it will show the employee and employer name on the first row, but if the employee has multiple rows of changes on the report, they will be
Integration with Background Check Companies
It would be nice if BerniePortal integrated with background check companies such as HireRight or Checkr as part of the Onboarding feature.
Clone Onboarding Checklist
Employers are able to clone plans and sub groups it would be nice if they were able to clone new hire checklist in the same manner. Many of the steps are often the same with just a few exceptions.
Delete multiple forms or plans at once
I'm trying to clean out our broker library of old plans and forms. It would be nice if we could select a bunch at once and delete a batch, versus one by one.
Overtime by subgroup
For employers with employees in multiple states, they may have some who have overtime based on 8hrs per day and others that are based on 40 hours per week. Currently, you have to choose one or the other for the entire company, so it would be helpful to
How the portal should handle those over age 65
BerniePortal should recognize when an employee is over 65 When the employee enrolls in benefits a popup should ask if they are enrolled in Medicare. If the employee is enrolled in Medicare, then the HSA tab should disappear for the employee because employees
Login Screen login screen currently has a rotation of links/topics that are aimed toward HR (ex. Weekdays with Bernie, HR Prep, HR Calendar, Culture Guides, 1095's). Employees view this screen as well and are confused by these topics as they do
BerniePortal & Training Integrations
It would be cool if there was a way to integrate BerniePortal with Training Modules. That way, when employees completed required training checkpoints, their progress could be updated automatically in the Portal. A specific example would be: Relias Learning
Prior Carrier Information
When an employee has a qualifying event, and they change their benefit elections, give them the option to input their prior carrier information. This would streamline when certain carriers, like All Savers, reach out for this information. They typically
PTO: Accrual Dates Visibility
Employers should be able to see what day of the month or year an employee is going to accrue PTO from the admin account.
PTO: Verbiage for approvers vs. employees
Update both the employee and approvers' pto area to say 'my past and future' in the sub navigation heading to create consistency and clarity
Reporting: PTO
Add a column to the PTO report that shows the employee's accrual date/next accrual
Uploading Employees to BerniePortal Who Speak Spanish
When uploading employees, it would be nice to indicate that their default language in BerniePortal is Spanish. Currently, you have to change this from English (default) to Spanish one employee at a time after you upload your employees.
Rehires eligible for new benefits without EOI
When an employee is rehired and elects a benefit that they previously waived, BerniePortal may require EOI, depending on the plan settings. However, as a rehire, the employee usually has an opportunity to elect coverage that they previously waived without
Billing email notifications
Configure email notifications based on Benefit Provider. Example: I want to receive a billing notification for my Guardian bill. I don't want to receive a billing notification for my Alpine bill.
Close qualifying events if not completed timely
I wish BerniePortal would allow an employer to close the qualifying event if an employee does not login within the required timeframe. Someone currently has to re-enroll them in their current benefits. If you could close the qualifying event and it would
Mass assign PTO & Time approvers
Ability to mass assign PTO & Time approvers similar to mass assigning managers tool.
PTO accrual date
Allow an employer to choose what day of the month the employee earns their PTO accrual.
ATS integrations with job boards
More integrations with other popular jobs boards such as LinkedIn, Monster, Ziprecruiter, and/or Careerbuilder.
Time & Attendance email notifications
Allow the option for email notifications to be sent to assigned approvers when a time adjustment is requested.
PTO calendar sync to other calendar tools
Ability to sync the PTO calendar in BerniePortal to other company calendars such as Google, Outlook, etc.
BernieBill and Life/AD&D Rates Being Different
Currently, BernieBill does not support different amounts of life and AD&D coverage for employer paid life. Example: A basic life plan is quoted with $50k Life and $25k AD&D. Bills generated from BerniePortal calculate the monthly premium using the larger
Voluntary Life - Increments above GI for Renewal Year
In year 2 if a Vol Life plans allows employees to purchase additional coverage w/o EOI employees who were approved for an amount above GI are prompted to submit EOI even if they are purchasing an amount allowed by the plan. Add another "Additional GI
Feature Admins and SSNs
When a benefits feature admin is set to not be able to view SSN's, the employee SSN is masked on their info tab, but the feature admin can still view the dependent's SSNs on the Dependents tab. The dependent SSN's should also be masked on the dependents
Salary Changes and Qualifying Life Event
Currently, when you make a salary change for an employee with a future effective date, it makes the disability plans effective the same date as the salary change. If the date is too far in the future, the employee can't be opened for qualifying events
Auto Enroll by Subgroup
Currently, auto enrollment is configured for the employer as a whole. It would be better if auto enrollment could also be configured by benefits subgroup.
Employee Deductions Based Off a Percentage of Salary
Currently, BerniePortal bases employee contribution off dollar amount or a percentage of the cost of the premium. BerniePortal should allow for employee deduction to be based upon a percentage of their monthly salary. Example: The W2 Safe Harbor Contribution
Voluntary Life and Employee Census Uploads
Currently, when previous elections are uploaded via census for a new group, if an employee has X amount of voluntary life coverage, and the plan rules dictate that they would need to complete an EOI if they increase the coverage amount, BerniePortal is
Email Notifications for Service Team Members
Currently, users configure email notifications for service team members in the broker's account. It would be great if service team members could configure their notification preferences in their accounts including which notifications they want to receive
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