Would you rather sleep in the same hotel room as your direct report on a company trip OR accidentally tell the company that one of their colleagues is pregnant?
Share your thoughts!
Would you rather send a mass email to all clients with a typo spelling the company name incorrectly OR accidentally click on a phishing email?
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Would you rather hire someone with 20 years of experience in the field who can easily replace you OR remain an HR Party of One forever?
Share your thoughts!
Would you rather fire your “HR Party of ‘Two’”/ right hand man/woman OR be told you need to layoff 5 people at the company to save money?
Share your thoughts!
Would you rather sleep in and miss a meeting with your boss OR come in on time, but evidently hungover?
Share your thoughts!
Would you rather violate OSHA Regulation, costing the company $5,000 OR find out you’ve been miscalculating the entire company’s payroll for the past 3 months?
Share your thoughts!
Would you rather tell an employee they smell bad or that they need to stop picking their nose?
Share your thoughts!
Employee View of the Payroll Tab
With the updates to the Payroll Subgroups, I know a couple of our groups that will likely request that we hide the Pay Periods List from Employees. I reached out to support in advance of the question and it's not currently an option. Suggest a setting
Add Employer Name to Custom Report Fields
I've been testing pulling custom reports from the Service Team/Broker side, this enables us to pull detail from multiple clients to confirm setup information. It would be helpful to be able to include the group/account name in order to filter that report.
All Data Report or Custom Reporting
For payroll purposes it would be helpful for the items below to be included on the All Data Report or to be able to build a custom report to include. Expected Hours Per Week OT Exempt OT Factor Employment Status Hire Type
Employee field Hours Worked - As a Reportable field
If the Hours Worked field, which is required when entering a new hire was reportable (ie: a field included in the All Data/reporting fields), this would allow employers to run a report an capture staff who are FTEs, not true full time, but they could
Reports: Expected Hours Per Week
None of the reports have the ability to pull this information from the system. This needs to be at minimum on the All Data Report. It would be nice if it would also be in the customized report fields to choose from.
All Data Report
The All-Data Report should include a field for the hourly rate of pay for employees that are paid hourly instead of salaried. Right now it only shows the calculated annual salary based on the hourly rate times the number of hours worked per week, which
Standard Report to match Mass Update Template
We encourage our clients to send us their salary updates for mass update. I often pull a report and edit it to align with the upload template so they can review, edit & highlight their changes for me to finalize and upload. This is time consuming... it
Maximum HSA Contributions
Hi! It would be great if BerniePortal could reference the maximum HSA contributions to calculate how much an employee can contribute without overcontributing. This way, the combination of the employee and employer contributions could go up to the maximum,
I’m offering a competitive salary, good employee benefits and perks, but I still can’t seem to find a strong and qualified candidate for the role. What should I do?
Has anyone else experienced this, and what steps did you take? Please share your thoughts.
'Lock In' Previous Coverage Amount Elections
Currently, BerniePortal is designed so that during open enrollment, benefit types like Voluntary Life and Critical Illness reverts back to the minimum purchase increment. This confuses some users because they think that they are electing additional Voluntary
How can I use AI to support my HR role?
Looking for insights across the full spectrum of HR.
How do you work with a teammate with very low emotional intelligence?
Looking for tips or training related to this topic!
Preferred Sexual Harassment and Substance Abuse Training Resources
We are looking to update our training tools on the subjects of sexual harassment and substance abuse, and we're on a tight budget. What resources do you use and why do you recommend them?
Display PCP name on Election Sheet and Employee Record
Please include the Primary Care Physician (PCP) name on the election sheet. BerniePortal can already capture and store the PCP information. So, it would be helpful to display the PCP name on the election sheet as well as the Benefits tab of the Employee
Add a "Display Name" for the Employer Account Name
We've run into a challenge with companies that are DBAs. We need the Legal Name to populate to the tax documents while the companies portal remains branded under the name the employees are familiar with. Right now, there is only one option for "Employer
How to implement a compliance management system?
I'd love some insight on how we should go about checking in and monitoring our protocols.
More than 2 Direct Deposit Accounts
The ability to add more than 2 accounts on the BerniePortal Direct Deposit form would be great! Some employees have 3 to 4 accounts that they would like to deposit money into to take advantage of saving rates or other banking perks.
How to know if your work benefits package is a good one?
Looking for ways to be competitive and find out how we even compare. Thanks!
Part Time to Full Time Hire Dates - Need to Show Both
Currently, there is no way for the system to recognize an employee that is ineligible due to minimum hours, then becomes eligible. The system does not have a spot for Original Hire Date and Full Time Hire Date so the enrollment comes across with a sheet
Remove SELF as an option for the beneficiary on the EMPLOYEE
The number one correction we have to request during enrollments is for employees to name someone other than themselves as their beneficiary for the life insurance on the employee. The defaulted relationship is "Self", so some don't pay attention to what
What are the 4 pillars of a total rewards strategy?
I am creating a new benefits package and want to know what is most important for a robust, comprehensive, and attractive benefits package.
Approval Levels
Add the ability for a manager to request the termination of an employee and layers of approval for the request
How to use social media to recruit top talent for my company?
Looking for some best practices and things to avoid when using these tools. Thanks!
Add new Benefit Type for Employer to add SUPPLEMENTAL deductions
The Benefit Type could be something like “Supplemental - Employer Defined”, and then the Type details can be: Employee Deduction:_____________ Employer pays: _____________ And this data gets mapped to the Bernie Portal Sheet, and Most Recent Elections,
Eligibility Report is actually an "Enrollment Report"
We noticed this week that the "Eligibility Report" does not include those employees who were Eligible but Waived coverage. It pulls only those employees Enrolled for the selected month, which would be considered an “Enrollment” or “Election” report. I
Ability to add letters in Employee ID field
Please add the ability to use letters in the Employee ID field in Bernie. We have some groups that use employee IDs in other systems that require letters and they would like to have consistent Employee IDs across all of their platforms.
Add beneficiaries as mapible fields for forms.
I searched for this topic but did not find it previously noted - apologies if this is duplicate. It would be useful to be able to map the beneficiaries collected under the beneficiaries tab at enrollment to the carrier forms.
AD&D only plan that is dependent on a Voluntary Life election
Many clients have Vol life with ad&d plans that can be elected separately in different amounts but only if the employee elects vol life. Currently, there is no way to build a stand-alone ad&d plan that is only offered to the employee if the employee elects
FSA Limits
Hello, Could a function be added to the portal to be able to calculate the annual FSA limits and restrict employees from exceeding that number when making elections? Thanks, M
Limit Access to the PTO Calendar Based on Subgroups
My company has different PTO subgroups for different locations as they are run slightly different and do not always have the dame holidays. However when employees look at the PTO calendar and they select view all, they are able to see the PTO calendar
Half Day Increments for PTO Workdays
When configuring PTO you are prompted to select a workday length that is in increments of one hour. However we have an office that has 7.5 hour workdays. Because of this, we have to select and 8 hour workday for their PTO which makes the accrual inaccurate.
Allow one open enrollment for multiple renewal dates
Currently, BerniePortal only allows users to open one renewal date at a time for open enrollment. It would be great if BerniePortal allowed users to open multiple renewal dates for one open enrollment. Especially for renewal dates that are within a month
PTO Types
I'd like to see in LABELS the option to change the category types of PTO to apply Paid Family Leave or Bereavement Leave in place of categories that we don't use like Vacation time and Floating Holidays. It would be great to be able to edit these categories
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