Enrollment Window Notification Enhancement
The new hire enrollment window notification is currently only configured to be sent to the account owner and can't be toggled on or off. An idea would be to allow this notification to also be saved in the "Email Notifications" settings under the account
What's the story with Benefit Booklets?
From the Broker Service Team side (Benefits/Booklets) I can export a Benefit Booklet for any of our clients. I wasn't here when this feature was setup and, though there are improvements I'd love to see, I can edit it to easily create a resource for our
Adding Qualifying Event Dates
When an employees account is unlocked due to a qualifying event, would it make more sense to have the employer enter the qualifying event date instead of the employee? If an employee is past their window when they go in to make changes they could put
Standard Emergency Contact Form
We have many groups for that have requested Emergency Contact Forms, they all have the same general components... this seems like a great opportunity for Bernie to offer a standard form for groups to utilize.
I9 Document Clarification
The employee view can be confusing for employees when completing their I9. Is there any way to make it clearer? When employees try to upload I9 documents, they are given the two lists, but they don't always get the correct document in the correct list.
What relationship policy does your organization have in place, and how do you effectively communicate it to employees?
I recently watched the HR Party of One episode on relationship policies and was wondering how other HR leaders approached workplace relationships. Looking for insight!
Benefits/Provider Details - Make Multiple Group Numbers Available
Allow Broker Users to input different group numbers within the same Insurer/Carrier. For instance, we may have Medical, Dental and Vision all with United Healthcare, but the carrier uses a different policy number for each of the benefits. Currently,
What is the best team-building activity you have ever done?
We want to make this fun and energizing for our employees. Please share!
How can I reduce the stigma around PIPs at my organization?
My employees have traditionally seen PIPs as a punishment. How can I frame PIPs in a way that ensures my employees feel supported and motivated to improve?
Is it fair to offer different benefits to different levels of employees?
Should executives and higher-level employees receive better benefits than entry-level employees, or should benefits be equal across all levels? What are your thoughts?
What are some possible flaws in the hiring process?
We are re-evaluating our hiring process and looking for any tips to uncover whether a candidate is the right fit. Currently, we do 1 phone screen and 2 one-hour interviews, one with a hiring manager and the other with a team member or a panel. Thoug
What are the best recruiting agencies for HR positions?
I am trying to advance my career in HR. What are your tips?
When is it time to ask for a raise in your own HR role?
I've been angling for a raise, but I think I need to be more assertive. When is a good time to ask, and what projects do you use to highlight your accomplishments that your boss acknowledged as raise-worthy?
Reinstate "Made Mistake" Enhancement
After an employee is reinstated once in the portal, the "Made Mistake" option no longer shows after terminated/reinstating a second time. It would be helpful if this option appeared all of the time as mistakes can happen more than once. Additionally,
Enrollment Window
The new hire enrollment window seems to only apply when an employee is added to the portal for the first time. It would be helpful for the enrollment window to apply to terminated employees that are reinstated with a new hire date, OR employees that were
Status Change- Election
When there is an election due to a change in Status moving from Part time to full time- there should be a way to indicate that or to see that in the portal. On the election sheet it could say, change in sub group with the date. Or as well as having the
Mailing Address Option
Can we have an option for mailing address? Or rename Address to Mailing address? For example, some employees who live in rural areas have a PO BOX rather than having their mail delivered to their homes. Most people will put the PO Box, but a few will
EOI on Children
We need the ability for the EOI to be required on children in some instances. Not all insurers automatically approve children VTL or Critical Illness. Some require them to complete EOI before each child can be approved if they declined coverage when
All Data - Employee Username
For employees who are onboarded without an email address, it would be a good idea for the All Data Report to display their username saved under the employee's profile within the portal.
Age Rated Dental Plan
We are a broker in Washington State, and we have several carriers with age-rated dental plans. Currently BerniePortal doesn't have the ability to build a dental plan with that rate structure. Has anyone else encountered this, and how have you handled
Reinstated/Made Mistake No Notification Election Sent
There is no email that is sent to the Interested or Employee when an employee has been Reinstated/Made Mistake. So if an employee is terminated there is not a way of knowing of if the employer made a reinstated/made mistake action on this employee without
Trailing spaces in BerniePortal Reports
When our agency generates reports out of BerniePortal that contain a SSN or zip code the column contains trailing spaces at the end of the number. It causes issues when we try to copy paste the information into another spreadsheet or carrier website.
Employee E-Signature for Employer Prompted Changes
Currently, when an employer makes a change that prompts a new election PDF, e.g. salary change, termination, benefit reduction, etc, the PDF shows the Employee E-Signature as if the employee signed off on the change. It would be better if there was no
What's your company's PTO policy after maternity leave?
Does this change at all? I'm curious how others handle this or if it is left exactly the same depending on whether they decided to use PTO to extend their leave.
Would you rather manually run payroll OR discover the sales department has a “burn book” about all the other employees?
Share your thoughts!
Half Days on The PTO Calendar
When employees request half days, there should be a way for the PTO calendar to differentiate between half days and full days. Right now, you have to click on the "bubble" to see if an employee requested a full or half day, but it would be nice for the
What aspects of office culture are important to employees?
We are evaluating our company culture and would love to know what culture-related norms are seeing more value in other organizations. For example, are employees excited about lunch and learns, flexible hours, etc?
Would you rather accidentally send an employee an offboarding-related email before their manager has informed them they are terminated OR run into a terminated employee at the grocery store?
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Would you rather have all your employees request PTO for the same week OR manually track time and attendance for a month?
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Would you rather onboard your high school nemesis OR offboard your best friend?
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Would you rather accidentally share leadership’s compensation package with the entire company OR you must keep it confidential that your favorite coworker will be laid off?
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Would you rather sleep in the same hotel room as your direct report on a company trip OR accidentally tell the company that one of their colleagues is pregnant?
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Would you rather send a mass email to all clients with a typo spelling the company name incorrectly OR accidentally click on a phishing email?
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Would you rather hire someone with 20 years of experience in the field who can easily replace you OR remain an HR Party of One forever?
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Would you rather fire your “HR Party of ‘Two’”/ right hand man/woman OR be told you need to layoff 5 people at the company to save money?
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Would you rather sleep in and miss a meeting with your boss OR come in on time, but evidently hungover?
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Would you rather violate OSHA Regulation, costing the company $5,000 OR find out you’ve been miscalculating the entire company’s payroll for the past 3 months?
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Would you rather tell an employee they smell bad or that they need to stop picking their nose?
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Employee View of the Payroll Tab
With the updates to the Payroll Subgroups, I know a couple of our groups that will likely request that we hide the Pay Periods List from Employees. I reached out to support in advance of the question and it's not currently an option. Suggest a setting
Add Employer Name to Custom Report Fields
I've been testing pulling custom reports from the Service Team/Broker side, this enables us to pull detail from multiple clients to confirm setup information. It would be helpful to be able to include the group/account name in order to filter that report.
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